David Jeremiah: the government is living in a “fool’s paradise” by believing it can spend its way out of debt.

What to do
In the wake of economic doom and gloom, Jeremiah advised Christians to “keep your house in order.” “We all get upset about how the country is in debt, but what about your house?” he asked.

He encouraged everyone to take an honest look at his/her finances and total personal debts. For those deep in debt, he recommended they begin debt counseling programs.

Evaluating the factors of theological position, expositional content and homiletical skill, Dr. Jeremiah is arguably the best “pure preacher” that I have ever heard. I rarely listen to him without being blessed, challenged and motivated.
I do question some of his associations and recommendations from time to time, and wish he had never left the GARBC.
However, if you have listened to his series of messages on the economy tied to this new book, you know he has been absolutely fearless in showing that, indeed, “the emporor has no clothes.” I would dare say that there are relatively few preachers out there, IFB or otherwise, who would present such messages either from the standpoint of the amount of study involved in putting them together or the courage it would take to deliver them.
If you haven’t listened, please understand that this news story presents a very chopped-up version of this one message — and sort of makes it look like Jeremiah is a bit of a political kook. Don’t believe everything you read :~

Church Ministries Representative, serving in the Midwest, for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry