Calvin-mania in Geneva

Just wanted to note that the story that Calvin had Servetus executed (repeated in the article) has been exposed as a myth. Can’t cite the source at the moment (I wasn’t taking notes when I read it… but I’m pretty sure it was a book review in The Weekly Standard), but the known facts indicate that, at worst, Calvin stood by as local authorities handled the matter. He was not in control of heresy trials.

Edit: there is some good data on this here:…
And here…

Edit again… I think the book I read the review of was this… but I might be thinking of a diff. book entirely (can’t imagine what science would have to do w/the Servetus case)
[amazon 0674033272 full]

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That is more or less correct. I actually just heard Bruce Gordon lecture on this topic. He said that the best treatment of it is Roland Bainton’s Hunted Heretic: The Life and Death of Michael Servetus.

People’s conception of this issue arises from the incredible success of a brilliant opponent of Calvin, Castellio, who portrayed Calvin as the murderer of Servetus.

The issue is quite complex.