"we ... hear that someone is being called to 'Christian ministry,' and you know they are not talking about accounting."

This Christianity Today article was very interesting, but the author did not substantiate the central premise, that (paraphrase) maximization of capital investment in business (making money for investors or owners of the capital in business) is an illegitimate, evil, un-scriptural, or just plain bad element in capitalism, Christian business, and society etc..

He mentions that in America this tenet only arose and gained popularity as a basic reason or motivation behind business post 1970. This is hard to believe. Clearly the motivation for business has been the maximization of profit or return on capital from the time of Adam. Most people don’t sit down and ask, how can I create jobs and provide goods and services without first asking if this will be a profitable venture and bring a return on capital. Isn’t this common sense? Or am I missing something.

Where does it say in the Bible that God does not expect us to expect a maximization of return on investment capital in our business investments and ventures? If capital was not producing for the owner of the capital, then removing labor or changing the products and services offered is logical for preservation of return and hence the continued use of capital in such an endeavor. Otherwise capital investment is wasted even though in the short term altruistic even biblical goals are still met temporarily.