The Complicated Kim Davis Case

To me, there is a “plan” that the homosexual agenda is running… Of course, that is likely from the liar himself, Satan.

Anyway, there is 2 sides to this issue.

First, don’t over-react. They aren’t going to make Pastors do same-sex weddings. Why? They don’t need to. “The Plan” is to make all the other Christians kow -tow to the homosexual agenda. Make the deacon who runs a photography business shoot same-sex weddings or quit. Make the Nursery director who has a cake business shut down or capitulate. Run the chaplains out of the military or completely emasculate them. Make that business leader have to introduce “Mr and Mr Jones” at some meeting… etc. So, I think in the culture Christianity is in big trouble in the USA. They won’t go after explicit religious institutions, but Christians in their daily lives are going to lose businesses, lose jobs, and be ridiculed. That is enough for the same-sex crowd… for now.

Second, there is a need to stand and fight. I wonder though, if a political battle is the way to go. The need is for more gospel, not more political battles that aren’t based on collective morals. John Adams himself said that the American system was based on people with morality electing officials.

I’m always mystified by people who want to offer the false dichotomy of “we must focus on the Gospel” instead of “fight political battles.” These do not have to be “either/or”. They can be “both/and” — just like many other areas in life. It’s like saying “we must focus on the Gospel” instead of “building a business”.

Sure, but how are you going to win when the USSC has declared that same-sex marriage cannot be banned? Is asking County Clerks to not sign marriage certificates the way to change the hearts and minds of people?

The only way to move forward is to get more Americans to agree that same-sex marriage is not something that the government wants to endorse. That is going to take pastors preaching on this issue, which apparently MOST DO NOT.

Let’s get to the core of the argument. Many wise and well-informed citizens believe that the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage was an abuse of power and a distortion of the law. Judges Roberts and Scalia, being among them. Their dissenting opinion was not simply that they disagreed with the majority decision, but that the decision was actually unlawful. It violated the authority of the Court; it created law, which is the sole responsibility of the Legislature. That being said, some of us will not accept the ruling, and we will fight to correct it. The very idea of giving gay marriage the standing of settled law is preposterous. Our founding documents were based upon nature and nature’s God, and there has never been a time when gay marriage had the standing of being natural in the history of the world. Some of us will never accept that five unelected judges can have the power to create such a law. Davis is fighting a battle that must be fought. Why should she resign; she was elected to her office. She took an oath to abide by the laws of Kentucky, which laws have not been rewritten. Will we submit to the coercion to opt out of our civic responsibilities merely because some progressive liberals, who hate the Constitution and want to change it, want to excise us from any influence in society. We have already yielded too much. Look what has happened in our schools, which are now agents of atheism. Consider the alteration of our morals to the extent that millions of infants are now lawfully slaughtered and their parts sold for research. This is the red line that must not be crossed. It is shocking to hear Christians, like the one who wrote this article, actually argue for us to submit to a government so ungodly. There is no Scriptural grounds for doing so.

“It is shocking to hear Christians, like the one who wrote this article, actually argue for us to submit to a government so ungodly. There is no Scriptural grounds for doing so.”

I would disagree with you that there is no Scriptural grounds for submitting to an ungodly government. Romans 13 does instruct us to submit to government without the qualifier that they have to be godly. The Roman government was pretty ungodly, but they were still told to submit because Rome’s authority came from God.

We do have every right to protest it and preach against it and in this specific case not sign the marriage license; it just means in this case you can’t work for that “ungodly” government. Paul worked within the government system regarding his rights, he never once said don’t submit to them.