Report: Young adults less LGBT tolerant
“The Accelerating Acceptance report, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the LGBT advocacy group GLAAD, showed that respondents age 18-34 were much less tolerant of LGBT people than in the prior two years’ surveys.” - BPNews
Notice that the sponsor is GLAAD, so we are not likely to have a big issue with methodology like polling the Westboro nutcases or anything like that. GLAAD is blaming President Trump, of course, but it would be very interesting to see why those who don’t approve are in that position. My guess is that a very significant portion of this is going to be “I’ve seen what GLAAD’s constituency did at my high school and college, and I’ve seen what that same constituency has done to florists, bakers, and photographers who don’t want to work same sex weddings.”
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.