Christian daredevil Nik Wallenda to "walk tightrope in faith"?

Christian Post reports: “After harrowing fall, Christian daredevil Nik Wallenda to walk tightrope in faith over Times Square with sister”


Some thoughts relevant this example of confusion about what “faith” is…

To put the question another way—and to expose the error in this view of faith—what is the proper object of Christian faith? What is it that we are supposed to be 100% confident of in our faith? ….I could not “have faith” that God was going to heal my dad’s cancer because God had not revealed that He would do that. Any certainty I could have felt about that would not have been biblical, Christian faith at all. - MYTHS OF FAITH #3 - IT’S BEING SURE OF WHAT GOD WILL DO

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

I saw the last 15 minutes of this. It consisted of Nic and his sister saying how much they loved each other and his sister singing praise choruses to herself while they were walking across the wire.

I wasn’t quite sure the point. Was this to break a world record or just to do it?

Not sure where the faith comes in considering they were wearing safety harnesses the entire time. I tried to watch but was thoroughly bored.


Not sure where the faith comes in considering they were wearing safety harnesses the entire time. I tried to watch but was thoroughly bored.

The city insisted on those harnesses. To not use them, they would have had to “bandito” the tightrope walk, the way Philippe Petit did between the WTC towers in the 1970s. Assuming they are actually Christians, it wouldn’t have been that great for their testimony to try to go around the law.

Dave Barnhart

GregH wrote:

Not sure where the faith comes in considering they were wearing safety harnesses the entire time. I tried to watch but was thoroughly bored.

The city insisted on those harnesses. To not use them, they would have had to “bandito” the tightrope walk, the way Philippe Petit did between the WTC towers in the 1970s. Assuming they are actually Christians, it wouldn’t have been that great for their testimony to try to go around the law.

Yes, I am just saying that if you use harnesses, there is no danger involved, which in turn removes all the drama. Without the drama, walking a tightrope just becomes boring. Yes it requires some skill but it is hardly a unique skill or for that matter even an exciting skill.