'We Are Not Dying, We Are Reforming,' Says PCUSA Leader Amid Report on Declining Membership

“While still the largest Presbyterian denomination in the country, in 2016 PCUSA saw a loss of nearly 90,000 members, slipping below the 1.5 million-member mark. This is nearly 300,000 fewer members than in 2013.”


….whistlin’ past the graveyard. Whenever I hear an executive talking like that, five will get you ten that within a month, he has “left the company to pursue new opportunities”.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

To: PCUSA Denomination

From: Real Christians

SUBJ: Your Existence

Encl: The Bible


Please continue dying.

Sincerely Yours,

Real Christians.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

This reminds me of a time I was on a concrete job and a neighbor came over and asked for advice on making a concrete sign for their church. Naturally I asked what church it was and she named a Presbyterian one. I asked if they were PCUSA or PCA. Her response? “I can’t remember but we’re the ones that don’t think God hates gays and women.”