"Christians don’t retire from being Christians—you never cease serving Christ." SI Filings Thu, 05/26/16 8:30 pm Christian Living Retirement Work Christians Don’t Retire Discussion Steve Newman Thu, 05/26/16 7:36 am Couldn't agree more... The time, energy, wisdom, and life of seniors is so needed and valuable. I believe churches that undervalue seniors have done themselves a great disservice. Related . . . Topics: Retirement, Pastoral Ministry, Bitterness, Pastoral Longevity When You Resign or Retire as Pastor 5 Posts About Pastor Search Teams The Great American Clergy Shortage Is Coming Charles Stanley Stepping Down After 50 Years as Pastor “Pastoring had been my identity for so long I’d given little thought to what a transition from the pulpit to the pew might look like.” Pagination Previous page 3 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.(ESV, Proverbs 15:1)
Steve Newman Thu, 05/26/16 7:36 am Couldn't agree more... The time, energy, wisdom, and life of seniors is so needed and valuable. I believe churches that undervalue seniors have done themselves a great disservice. Related . . . Topics: Retirement, Pastoral Ministry, Bitterness, Pastoral Longevity When You Resign or Retire as Pastor 5 Posts About Pastor Search Teams The Great American Clergy Shortage Is Coming Charles Stanley Stepping Down After 50 Years as Pastor “Pastoring had been my identity for so long I’d given little thought to what a transition from the pulpit to the pew might look like.” Pagination Previous page 3 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.(ESV, Proverbs 15:1)