The children's pastor of Grace Baptist Church Knoxville has been terminated as as result of an arrest in a police sting related to prostitution

I understand the need to ward off any lawsuit potential, but the statement from the church seems really weak. “Don’t blame us! He passed our background check!” is not what the community needs to hear.

In my view, Paul said that elders who sin before 2 or 3 witnesses should be rebuked before all. If the evidence does not rise to that level, then the church should have no comment.

No wisdom, no understanding, and no counsel will prevail against the LORD. Proverbs 21:30

According to a police report, Kennedy responded to a ad via text message. The report says Kennedy was made aware that there would be two girls present, one was 15 years old. He negotiated $100 for a half hour of sex with both girls.

He was told to go to a gas station on Merchants Road for further instructions. Then he received instructions to go to a hotel room where the girls were.

The report says he stated he wanted to have sex with both underage girls he thought were inside. He put the agreed upon $100 on the counter. He removed his pants and then law enforcement took him into custody.

[Darren Mc]

In my view, Paul said that elders who sin before 2 or 3 witnesses should be rebuked before all. If the evidence does not rise to that level, then the church should have no comment.

Seriously? So you get away with anything if you make sure you only sin in front of one person?


Seriously? So you get away with anything if you make sure you only sin in front of one person?

I was referring to this particular case, where an arrest has been announced but the entire case has not been laid out by the authorities. However it is clear from the news article (which I’ll admit I did not read in detail) that there are multiple witnesses.

If you think that’s what Paul was saying in I Timothy 5, then by all means practice that in your church.

No wisdom, no understanding, and no counsel will prevail against the LORD. Proverbs 21:30

I’m guessing that since the accused was nabbed in a police sting, there are far more than two witnesses. Not something I’m going to sweat here.

It is also worth noting that as far as I can tell from my study of the word—I looked it up with Marvin Olasky said that ‘eed (Strong’s 5707) meant “eyewitness” for the sake of capital prosecutions—both eyewitness evidence and circumstantial evidence can be used for this purpose. The 1 Timothy 5 passage simply uses the Mosaic criterion for prosecution, really. So Biblically and judicially, it appears to be pretty much open and shut.

I agree with Darren’s comment about the church statement. I would have phrased it more like “While we have not received any complaints about behavior of this nature during his employment with the church, we have sent a note to all members and frequent attendees explaining the situation and asking them to provide any relevant information to the prosecuting attorney. We are fully aware that these things often do not occur in isolation, and we are fully committed to the justice process here.”

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

Two comments I have, is that:

The pastor/teaching elder, really needs to examine the process around accountability and discipleship for his staff. Like he said in the interview, this doesn’t happen overnight. There are always warning signs.

The wife, made the statement that she had no clue. My take is that the wife had a clue but didn’t want to believe it. There needs to be accountability in a marriage as well. Having grown up in a home where one parent led another life, while the revelation can be a bit shocking, the signs were there, and we chose to ignore them.


If this guy is truly remorseful than the church should be fully supportive of him and restore him but under a watchful eye. This guy should not be shunned and feel like all is lost. It was bad enough that Pastor and Prof in New Orleans committed suicide. I guess my question to you guys is do you agree with my assessment.

  • Agree: “This guy should not be shunned and feel like all is lost”
  • Never again a pastor! “fully supportive of him and restore him but under a watchful eye”
  • Restore the repentant to fellowship!
  • But disqualified to the office!
  • He should never work with children (should become a registered sex offender)

It is my hope and prayer that Joe is correct that this man was caught before his sin turned physical, but it strikes me that answering this question is why the police, not to mention smart churches, do investigations. So pray for the church members, because a number of them are most likely going to have the “full body cavity exam” to figure out where this went wrong. (not literally, but rhetorically speaking)

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.