C. H. Spurgeon: Together for the Gospel Before T4G

“Though a staunch Calvinist, Spurgeon befriended the Arminians of his day. Though a convinced Baptist, he happily hired paedobaptists to lead his pastors’ college and the Stockwell Orphanage. Though a proud nonconformist, he even counted some Anglicans among his close friends.” - TGC


“Though a convinced Baptist, he happily hired paedobaptists to lead his pastors’ college and the Stockwell Orphanage.” Hiring someone who believed in infant baptism to lead the Pastor’s College, training men for the ministry? Seems Odd.

Wally Morris
Huntington, IN

and the Stockwell Orphanage.” Hiring someone who believed in infant baptism to lead the Pastor’s College,

The orphanage makes more sense though, you know, just in case the paedobaptists are right.