Gender Non-Conformity Running Roughshod Over Parents' Rights

Here in MN, the state high school athletics league has decided that “transgender” children have the right to play on the team of their choice, and many areas are deciding that “transgender” people have the right to use the bathroom of their choice. I cannot help but contemplate a situation where this leads to tragedy when someone who is genetically and physically male decides to take advantage of this situation to violate young ladies (it’s happened a few places already, like Seattle), or when an “also ran” on the boys’ team decides he’s going to “be a girl” for kicks or to finally get a letter, and the boyfriends of the ladies he’s displaced, beaten, or even injured decide to give him a “blanket party” to show their appreciation for his athletic prowess.

I of course don’t condone that kind of thing, but given the very low rate of real transgender behavior, one might argue that it would be far more likely than a transgender person actually benefiting from the new policy.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.