Defining Gender for Ourselves and Our Kids


“Whether we’re having conversations about gender with our colleagues or our kids, we need a better answer than anatomical differences and temporary job descriptions.” - TGC


Defining ‘Woman’ Starts with Humanity, Not Femaleness


“Conservatives quickly memed Jackson, portraying her refusal to answer the question as clear indication of progressive nonsense. After all, anyone should be able to define what a woman is. The only problem with this, of course, is that we’ve struggled to define what a woman is for thousands of years.” - Hannah Anderson


GARBC has updated its purpose statement and article of faith on creation and gender


“During the business meeting on Monday, voting messengers approved an update to the GARBC’s official Purpose Statement. …The messengers also approved an expansion to the association’s official doctrinal position on Creation (Article of Faith V) to address the issue of human gender more explicitly.” - GARBC


Boys and Girls Are Different — Let’s Celebrate That


“I have two children. Our four-year-old is a girl; her two-year-old brother is a boy. I know these things because I have a functioning inferior temporal cortex. Apparently, the editors at the BBC do not.” - NReview
