Is Steve Drain Fred Phelps' Successor? sifilings Tue, 03/25/14 8:29 pm Church & Ministry Westboro Baptist Church Fred Phelps Sr. Cults and Heresies This Man Is The Future of Westboro Baptist Church 5 views Discussion pastorwesh Sun, 03/30/14 7:27 pm Sad We live a few miles North of Topeka, and it is sad to see they way these people act, and to know that some people think they represent Christianity. Serving the Savior, Pastor Wes Helfenbein 2 Cor. 5:17 Related . . . Topics: Westboro Baptist Church, American Culture, Reputation From WEIRD to Westboro: The Problem of Christian Reputation How Westboro Baptist Church makes its money If I had to take my family to court and convict them of being followers of Christ, I am not sure where I would find the evidence. Westboro Baptist Church to protest Liquor Store that offered "Champagne 10% off! Not a coincidence." Ed Stetzer: How Should We Respond to the Tragic Death of Fred Phelps? Pagination 1 Next page Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand.(ESV, Philippians 4:5)
pastorwesh Sun, 03/30/14 7:27 pm Sad We live a few miles North of Topeka, and it is sad to see they way these people act, and to know that some people think they represent Christianity. Serving the Savior, Pastor Wes Helfenbein 2 Cor. 5:17 Related . . . Topics: Westboro Baptist Church, American Culture, Reputation From WEIRD to Westboro: The Problem of Christian Reputation How Westboro Baptist Church makes its money If I had to take my family to court and convict them of being followers of Christ, I am not sure where I would find the evidence. Westboro Baptist Church to protest Liquor Store that offered "Champagne 10% off! Not a coincidence." Ed Stetzer: How Should We Respond to the Tragic Death of Fred Phelps? Pagination 1 Next page Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand.(ESV, Philippians 4:5)