Rob Bell Suggests Ignoring the Bible to Help The Church 'Stay Relevant'
Here is another interesting article about Bell:
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
The 2000 year old letters that became the Bible are not important, but the 450 year old letters that comprise Isaac Luria’s contribution to Kabbalah in Judiasm (referenced by Bell in “The Zimzum of love” are of course critically important, as is of course Bell’s collection of letters from 2014. We will impose our truth claims to a test of “are our friends and neighbors doing it?”, and of course a test on whether Madonna likes it, and we will of course prohibit any analysis of “how’s that working out for you?” in either case. Ignore the shelf of prescription antidepressants and lithium behind the curtain!
Word has it that Bell’s picture is going to appear beneath the definition of “irrelevant” in upcoming dictionaries.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
The United States Supreme Court suggests ignoring the U.S. Constitution to help the United States stay relevant.
(Oh, wait……..SCOTUS has in many instances exercised that policy already…….)
Did anyone notice that this story is 2 years old? (Though, to my knowledge, he has not yet repented from his apostasy.)
Who thinks that Rob Bell is relevant? I thought his fifteen minutes were up years ago…
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells
[DLCreed]Did anyone notice that this story is 2 years old? (Though, to my knowledge, he has not yet repented from his apostasy.)
I saw it yesterday so it was new to me
….DL’s pointing out that I’d missed that this news was two years old. Thanks! Along similar lines, it strikes me that we perhaps ought not follow the antics of heretics too closely….it takes our eyes off the ball.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.