Telling the Better Story: Christians and "Pride Month"


Fade in on the little town of Bomont, presumably in rural Illinois. At a pulpit in a small local church is the Reverend Shaw Moore. He’s fond of crazed pastoral rants against dancing. You may recognize him—he’s the angry pastor-dad from Footloose.


Review: ‘Still Time to Care’ by Greg Johnson


“We hold historically orthodox views on sexuality….Frankly, we approached the book with significant skepticism. However, we also must confess that as we read the book, some of our skepticism dissipated. We found much of it pleasantly surprising.” - TGC


Book Review: Living in a Gray World


“We have been waiting for a book to help Christian teens navigate questions about sex and gender. This book seems to fit the bill… . Unfortunately, this is not the right book to give to teens in your life because its many strengths are intertwined with dangerous strands of worldly thinking.” - Ref21


Pope reiterates support for civil unions


“A documentary that premiered at the Rome Film Festival on Wednesday included Pope Francis speaking in support of legal civil unions for homosexual couples. ‘Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God….What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered.’” - WORLD



Are evangelicals changing their minds about same-sex relationships?


“In 2007, 90 percent of evangelicals said their church forbid (63 percent) or strongly discouraged (27 percent) “homosexual behaviors.” In 2020, that figure has dropped to 65 percent …. In 2008, 34.4 percent of evangelicals between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five supported same-sex marriage.
