Did Jonathan Edwards Undermine Calvinism?

“How can God be truly virtuous, truly good in a meaningful way, and foreordain the fall of humanity into sin and certain individuals to eternal torment in hell? It is impossible to reconcile Edwards’s account of God and virtue and ‘goodness’ with what he believed as a Calvinist about God’s sovereignty with regard to reprobation.” - Roger Olson



Dr. Paul Henebury

I am Founder of Telos Ministries, and Senior Pastor at Agape Bible Church in N. Ca.

We’ve managed to focus on the other topic which creates almost as much intense reaction as politics.

In my experience, Calvinists will never be persuaded to renounce Calvinism, and only a very few anti-Calvinists will be persuaded to embrace Calvinism. However, I have had the privilege of leading scores of people to a Calvinist understanding who were not previously committed either way, and even a couple of former anti-Calvinists.

Even when minds remained unchanged, the discussions are usually profitable to deepen one’s understanding of Scripture.

G. N. Barkman