Should We Still Use Gospel Tracts?
“Evangelism is central to the church’s mission. But some methods are decidedly more effective than others.” - Kainos
I use gospel tracts regularly and always use good quality tracts, not deceptive tracts which trick people into looking at them. Tracts can be effective with children by using appropriately themed and worded material. Many times tracts are the only way to give someone the gospel or part of the gospel. Statistical evaluations of “success” are irrelevant since tracts move beyond our ability to measure results. I prefer to wait for the Judgment Seat to find out the results.
Wally Morris
Huntington, IN
[WallyMorris]I use gospel tracts regularly and always use good quality tracts, not deceptive tracts which trick people into looking at them. Tracts can be effective with children by using appropriately themed and worded material. Many times tracts are the only way to give someone the gospel or part of the gospel. Statistical evaluations of “success” are irrelevant since tracts move beyond our ability to measure results. I prefer to wait for the Judgment Seat to find out the results.
What tracts do you like the best? Do you have a link or company name?
Tracts are a tool in a larger toolbox. I admit I don’t pass them out much but we did make Christmas cookies for our neighbors this year and include a tract. I doubt anyone will be converted through reading them but it may get some conversations going.
If tracts are viewed as inefficient, I’d like someone to share the strategy that is simple and efficient. There isn’t one. Relationship building is time consuming and messy. Open air preaching is fraught with difficulties. Evangelistic Bible studies are much more expensive and take more time than tracts.
That’s not to say that tracts are better, but there’s no “efficient” strategy for gospel witness. They all take time, energy, commitment, money, etc. And while i have heard many, like the author, say that tracts are outdated, I’ve also heard many testimonies of people saved after reading them. My eldest son is one example, and I learned last week of an Afghan man on the border of Tajikistan who was saved after reading a gospel tract translated into Persian and printed in Wisconsin. He’s the 1st fruit of 2023 in that particular place, and the only believer in his village.
If someone wants to use other methods, go ahead, but it’s not accurate to say that tracts don’t work (I know that’s not what the author said).
Mark - Some sources for good tracts (This is not a recommendation for every tract they publish): (some good resources for witnessing to Catholics)
Wally Morris
Huntington, IN
Tracts are not the only way to reach people for Jesus Christ. But they are certainly one of the valid ways to reach people.
You may not get many visible results. But God’s Word has a way of getting through. Often a tract may be the only way to briefly leave a witness.
In recent years I’ve used a tract I compiled and had printed by a local printer, “Quotes of Jesus Christ: Authentic Sayings of Jesus.” It is selected quotes of Jesus under various headings from the NKJV.
David R. Brumbelow
My church has a very large tract rack in the hallway of our educational building. Many people in my church use tracts regularly. We use them every time that we go out into the community to evangelize people by going door-to door.
As I have shared in the past, I was saved in part through the reading of a tract that someone left on my windshield. Tracts are an excellent way to make known God’s truth to the lost!