Donald Trump Inauguration Prayer Speaker Paula White Says She's No 'Trinity-Denying Heretic'

“Televangelist Paula White, who was announced as one of six religious leaders participating in Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony, has responded to critics who claim that she is a “trinity-denying heretic” and has assured her belief in the inerrancy of the Bible.” CPost


Here is her statement of faith. The statement on the Trinity is orthodox, though we can discuss a lot of how she fleshes it out—whether that is orthodox/Biblical or not. I don’t have the time to wade through the video that one of her detractors shares.

Not quite sure it’s that important, really. You’ve got a twice divorced woman usurping the role of the elder….with a history of other things said which give credence to some rather reckless charismatic/pentacostal theology and prosperity theology. In other words, a good fit for Trump, especially since she’s an attractive blonde who—at 50 with no visible wrinkles—just might have seen a plastic surgeon or two. And she was born in Elvis’ hometown.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.