Russia seriously violates religious freedom in Ukraine, latest report echoes
“Torturing and killing pastors and priests, prosecuting residents for exercising religious freedom, banning worship and entire religious communities, closing churches, prosecuting missionaries and banning Scripture as extremist literature are among the most egregious atrocities Forum 18 cited” - Baptist Press
Where do I remember forcible suppression of religious communities....oh, yes, the old USSR. Putin is at least smart enough to exempt the Russian Orthodox Church--at least the Moscow Patriarchate--so it's a little less obvious what he's doing, but let's not forget; Patriarch Kyrill is, like Putin, a former KGB employee, and it shows.
What's going on in Russia is a continuation of Vladimir Putin's 35 year project to re-assemble the old Soviet Union. He has, again, never apologized for his role in the KGB supporting East Germany's secret police, and his "academic" work all is consistent with the old Soviet model, as are his brutal wars in Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.