Are Pro-Life Laws Leading to Preventable Deaths?

“No law denies care to women, so why the deception post-Roe?” - Breakpoint

Related: Do Pro-Life Laws Kill Women? - AiG


No law prevents babies from receiving care after birth in Minnesota either, but that’s not the story you will be told.

I haven’t heard any stories of babies being denied care. Though it seems possible that is a situation that wouldn’t be easy to report on.

I have heard multiple stories of Doctors being afraid to run afoul of laws by providing care. Certainly a lack of legal certainty leads to fear, with outcomes that no one wants.

It’s a messy time. I picture it sort of like Dobbs suddenly zapped Roe from the legal landscape, leaving this massive hole, and everything related has been shifting ever since.

But at least now (post-Roe) there is the potential of things eventually settling in a better place.

Meanwhile, there is a ton of exaggeration and distortion from politicians and idealogues and copycats… many of whom have a incentive to keep things confusing.

There are always trade-offs.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.