Regularly Drinking Alcohol After 60 Linked to Early Death

“That’s according to the findings of a new, large study that was published … by JAMA Network Open and build upon numerous other recent studies concluding that any amount of alcohol consumption is linked to significant health risks.” - WebMD

(Hat tip: P&D)


Confidence intervals for the risk ratio range from 1.01 to 1.35. That is very close to "no statistically significant effect found", as a relative risk of 1.0 is simply "that's what the average is. For comparison's sake, if memory serves, the risk ratios for tobacco use are around 40. I would guess that the relative risk for heart disease vs. obesity would be at least ten.

The trouble with trying to make decisions based on low relative risk ratios like this is that it greatly increases the odds that other factors are influencing the results.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.