Court ruling: Michigan city can’t exclude business from farmers’ market for opposing gay marriage

The city denied a license to Country Mill Farms because CMF declines to host gay weddings on its property. CMF sued. - CPost


Would any of you consider this ruling to be the exercise of Christian nationalism by the court? Follow up, would the desire to elect justices that would decide similar to this court be the exercise of Christian nationalism?

Old enough to remember the "if you don't like gay marriage, just don't get gay married" argument.

If this is CN, more of it please.

No I would not consider it an exercise of Christian Nationalism by the court. It was just a preliminary injunction because the court felt that they had a high likelihood of success. They won the case a few days ago and if you read the ruling it was not that ground breaking in terms of granting new rights. It essentially ruled in favor of them because the city ordinance had so many exceptions that it was not really enforceable to this level of constraint that they were imposing on this farm. Since the court ruled on behalf of a legal ruling that had no impact to whether gay marriage should be protected or not, or that discrimination was legal or not, I don't see how this pertains to Christian nationalism. I would desire judges who seek to apply the law evenly and hold to an originalist view point. I want judges to apply the law and not seek to rule based on an agenda. I leave that to legislatures.

Would any of you consider this ruling to be the exercise of Christian nationalism by the court? Follow up, would the desire to elect justices that would decide similar to this court be the exercise of Christian nationalism?

If I understand it correctly, CN would be more about the making of laws than their enforcement.