‘Caring Well’ leads to changes in procedures and lives, churches say

“There had been existing policies at Megan Nauman’s church to prevent sexual abuse, but the Caring Well Challenge helped identify a predator in their midst, she said.” - BPNews


This article really hits on the common themes that unite those accused of tolerating sexual predators—there are a small number of behaviors that really boil down to assuming it’s not that important, and therefore the reporting to authorities per Romans 13 is not done. Also important is how the article addresses grooming behaviors—which are more or less testing the waters before going forward with a crime.

Side note; for those concerned with becoming the victim of other crimes, many/most criminals actually do the same before a mugging/robbery/etc.. Might be something to do with how Jesus told us to be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves, no?

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.