Study: Ark would have floated sifilings Thu, 04/03/14 8:29 pm Bible, Theology & Philosophy Noah's Flood University of Leicester physics student says Noah’s Ark would have floated with two each of 35,000 species of animal 2 views Discussion Darrell Post Thu, 04/03/14 4:00 pm Species or kind? The article makes it even harder than it needed to be by saying that two of every species would have worked. But if I understand it correctly, only two of every kind was needed. Related . . . Topics: Archaeology, Noah’s Flood, Ancient Near East Babylonian Ark Tablet Echoes Genesis: The Animals Went in Two by Two New Research Confirms Postflood Dispersal of Humanity Ancient 'Megafloods' Tilted the Very Direction of Earth's Crust, Scientists Find Feeding Carnivores on Noah’s Ark Ken Ham Hits Back at Christian Geologist Who Lists 21 Reasons Why Noah's Flood Never Happened Pagination 1 Next page Featured Resource View at Amazon Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.(ESV, Proverbs 17:27)
Darrell Post Thu, 04/03/14 4:00 pm Species or kind? The article makes it even harder than it needed to be by saying that two of every species would have worked. But if I understand it correctly, only two of every kind was needed. Related . . . Topics: Archaeology, Noah’s Flood, Ancient Near East Babylonian Ark Tablet Echoes Genesis: The Animals Went in Two by Two New Research Confirms Postflood Dispersal of Humanity Ancient 'Megafloods' Tilted the Very Direction of Earth's Crust, Scientists Find Feeding Carnivores on Noah’s Ark Ken Ham Hits Back at Christian Geologist Who Lists 21 Reasons Why Noah's Flood Never Happened Pagination 1 Next page Featured Resource View at Amazon Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.(ESV, Proverbs 17:27)