Green Lantern is gay? Batwoman is a lesbian?

Gay Green Lantern may be seen in a different light “He’s going to be the leader of the team, this dynamic hero, he’ll do anything to save people, the bravest man on the planet. Why not just make him gay as well?”


A single man who runs around in a cape, blue tights and a leotard (with his underwear on the outside)?

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan
If you want a gay character who resonates with your audience, a character who will draw people in and give them someone to relate to or be inspired by or feel good about, then you need to create that character from scratch. And you need to take the time to give your character depth and flesh out what makes him or her unique, interesting, and iconic. Slapping a big “GAY” sign above an existing character’s head is insulting to the character and insulting to your audience.

At best it’s patronizing. At worst, it’s disingenuous. Maybe this is one of those “first steps” that doesn’t land quite right, but inspires more steps like it down the road. Until then, if you want gay superheroes try Apollo and Midnighter. If you squint, it’s basically Superman/Batman slashfic.

didn’t they release a Superman comic book recently, in which he renounces his USA citizenship? comic books have been for a while, just another form of media that the satanists use to push their agenda. if you have picked up a comic book within the last 20 years, you will see that most of them promote occult themes and hyper-sexualized violence.