An Unexpected Choice: Why We Traded the Public School for Homeschooling

“My initial reaction to the nudging I sensed in my heart—that God wanted us to give homeschooling a fair evaluation—was unequivocal: “No way, God.” But the more I struggled against it, the more I sensed his answer: ‘Just look into it.’”


Nudgings and sensations from God–the ingredients of sound decision making.

Donn R Arms

Unfortunately, “God speaking” is common Christianese for our conscience, reservoir of knowledge, and spiritual discernment battling with our flesh, our preconceived notions, pressure from others… it detracts from one’s credibility to refer to our thought processes as feelings, but I think this is what people usually mean when they refer to nudgings and sensations.

I agree with the basic message of the article- educational methods should never be chosen by default, or because it’s the norm. Whether parents choose public, private, or home schooling, they should thoroughly evaluate each option before making the decision. Most of the parents I know that have ‘tried’ homeschooling have never looked back.