What Do We Do with the King James Version?
I had my son red the shepherds passage from Luke 2 and a guest (man from India) read the magi story from Matthew 2
I brought out my leather NASB and my son said he wanted to read from the KJV.
Looked and looked and all I could find was a leather KJV NT w Psalms that my wife gave me 40 years ago. I had used it for years for personal work and it was completely falling apart.
On the readings: son did an A job reading but the young Indian, with perfect British English, did an A+ job.
Just this month I ordered and received an Allan KJV 62 Longprimer Sovereign, Purple Meriva Calfskin / wow it’s a beauty. And I am using it for devotions this year!
I’m doing a video interview with Mark Ward about his book soon. It’ll be published on SI shortly afterwards.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
[TylerR]I’m doing a video interview with Mark Ward about his book soon. It’ll be published on SI shortly afterwards.
Good! It is a good resource.
Thomas Overmiller
Pastor | StudyGodsWord.com
Blog | ShepherdThoughts.com