Interpreting Trump and the Never or Anti Trumpers
I’ve already said Trump has an honesty problem. I’m not arguing he doesn’t. But…Trump lies “multiple times per day”? Really? Do you have documentation to support that claim?
The post from the Washington Post about Alinsky is completely the Washington Post. None of it is me. I posted it because it seemed to complement what Mike H. had posted.
[Mike Harding]Greg,
Enough with the personal attacks upon myself. You don’t agree with the article I posted; that is fine. However, it is not fine to attack my pastorate, my integrity, and my spiritual disposition. Our political viewpoints are likely different. Let’s just leave it at that.
Right, let’s leave the personal attacks to Trump. Then it is OK. :) What you don’t get Mike is that I feel just as strongly in a negative way about the way your side props up Trump as you feel about the left. In your above article, you insinuate that Trump is just fine in his attacks because we are at war. Maybe I feel the same way…
Thank you for your last comment. I understand the misunderstanding. Also, thank you for the additional info about Saul Alinsky. I have heard about him hundreds of times for many years. It’s helpful for me to know more about his background. Even with your additional info, he still sounds like a scoundrel to me, even as you indicated.
The left and the right are at war. We (you and I) are not at war, however. I don’t know your political beliefs or worldview. They probably differ from mine. It’s policy that I am most concerned about, not personality.
Pastor Mike Harding
Here’s a column by a former Peace Corps worker who found that her home in Senegal was quite literally a “fecal environment.” Along the same lines, a couple I knew in LA—not white—found that when they went as short term missionaries in Africa, the wife’s major task was cleaning everything she and her husband ate. Corruption is endemic.
What would help Senegal more? Visas to the U.S. and Europe, or missionaries that would preach the Decalogue and teach them how Moses taught Israel to keep waste outside the camp?
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
That oh so very objective list of accomplishments from a very objective “news” site left off a few:
1) Making the US even more of an international laughingstock
2) Reducing the dignity of the presidency to something more akin to what you might have seen on Jerry Springer in the old days.
3) Lying 2,000 times that are documented.
4) Wasting enormous amounts of taxpayer money visiting his properties and playing golf (this by the way is the same guy who makes a big deal of donating his salary to charity while conveniently ignoring that his lavish travel costs many times what his salary is).
5) Watched a lot of TV
Great job Trump.
So apparently in your world, a website that quotes far-right publications like the “New York Times” is suspect, but you can cite no sources at all and expect to be taken seriously. Alrighty then….
Besides, if you hate Trump so much, shouldn’t you be happy he’s playing golf instead of further wrecking the world? A few hundred hours on Air Force 1 and a few hundred more hours playing golf (or thousand) is pretty cheap compared to another war or something, after all.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
Bert, that is a good point. Let Trump sleep and watch Fox News and golf. I do wish he would shut up and let someone with a brain do the talking for the country. We should just elect him a king like GB has that has no power and hire some people to bow to him so his ego can be assuaged. That sounds like a win to me.
PS: I have no interest whatsoever in being taken seriously by you. You have long since made it clear that you know everything about everything. My opinion on you is somewhat different. Actually pretty much the opposite. So no, I really don’t care whether you take me seriously or not.