Sneak peek: D.C.’s huge new Museum of the Bible includes lots of tech — but not a lot of Jesus

“This isn’t the evangelism that the billionaire Green family first promised a decade ago when they set out to build a museum dedicated to Scripture.” WPost


Hobby Lobby has done a lot of good, particularly in standing up against Obama’s “you get the fun, we bill a nun” contraceptive mandate, but I’ve also noted books by Joel Osteen on their shelves near the checkout aisles. The Green family may have real faith, but they do have some compromises with things like prosperity theology and the like that tarnish what they’ve done, well at least in my opinion. They also had some artifacts confiscated due to poor sourcing from Iraq a few years back, I believe.

Part of me even thinks they ought to have incorporated a few years back to avoid collecting so much wealth that will be part of the estate tax, but of course that has its own risks and compromises. No easy decisions when God blesses you with far more than you could ever enjoy yourself!

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.