Facebook TMI

Aaron, I appreciate your posts. I don’t know you at all, but from what I have read of your posts I respect you. I agree with you and others that the subject of a woman’s underclothing is not an appropriate one for pubic discussion. I am not trying to defend that at all. I was taking issue with the view of men the author of the first article, and then a few of these posts, was presenting. Why would one say that men would figure out what the one word posts were? Because this is all that men think about? Thanks. That sure comes from the world’s culture. Actually Lisa said way more in her article that could be seen as TMI than the one word postings! I did not find Lisa’s article to be worthy. It is cute and trendy. Why assume that these one word posts were beating against the fragile consciences of men? Yes, maybe some kids in junior high, but men? There are some strange men for sure. But what a thing to say about Christian men. And why expect a public forum like Facebook to have serious, mature information. It is filled with stuff that is just plain stupid and immature, even offensive. I don’t have friends that major on such stuff so I don’t see much of that. It’s a public forum; just about anything goes. Now, if we were to see such things on SI then I think we should and would get outraged. Thankfully SI has guidelines.

“Not even a hint…..” ??

Serving the Savior, Pastor Wes Helfenbein 2 Cor. 5:17