Facebook TMI
What I find really interesting is when someone in a position of authority/teaching in a church talks about the movies, books, and tv they’ve been enjoying- stuff that I personally would consider to be the behavior of someone who was seriously backslidden or spiritually immature. Would you take your whole family to see [URL=http://www.kids-in-mind.com/p/perfectgetaway.htm A Perfect Getaway[/URL] , and then post it on FB, and still expect to teach a Sunday School class?
I don’t know which is worse- that people seem to be revealing their true selves online, or that people seem to be revealing their true selves online.
[handerson] Unfortunately I was well-aware of this trend when it happened a couple weeks ago. Lots and lots of girlfriends posted colors, and I couldn’t help but think that the reason they were, wasn’t so much because of a sudden burst of passion for breast cancer awareness, as it was the ability to do something a little “naughty” with total immunity. Really was sad and created a lot of mental images that our brothers in Christ did not need.Agreed. But of course, you know the response, right…. With a roll of the eyes and an “O, brother!” the colorful poster would respond with, “That’s THEY’RE problem. Pervs!”
But we are deep into an era where obvious things are not obvious anymore.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
[Aaron Blumer] M I don’t think she normally uses FB for “the rebuking mode” but did that time. Can’t say I blame her.So did she then get “unfriended”?
I definitely don’t like it that people feel free to say anything they want, then when rebuked, even mildly (for something like swearing or using the F word—it is a professing Christian), they unfriend you. It’s like the freedom goes only “their way”.
I’m aware that I’m better off without so called friends like that, but it does make me wonder why this person’s spiritual leaders don’t “call down that person”.
I figure if the post is public, the ??s/rebuke can be public as well. I was told that I should have sent a PM and not post a public rebuke (it was pretty mild, actually). I was kind of thinking that this person’s pastor or pastor’s wife would make a comment—you know…a rebuke, even a mild one. Nothing that I saw. Then she unfriended me. ?? Actually she then unfriended my whole family…not just me and no one else in my family even said anything.
I’m actually quite saddened by what some people put on FB. It really reveals what they are.
[Susan R] Sometimes I think FB is just high school in another form.It’s pretty bad when it gets one upset emotionally. It’s supposed to be fun! :)
I’m just old fashioned I guess. We were better off as a society when certain things just weren’t talked about in mixed company.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
[Aaron Blumer] Maybe it has to do with how long one has been out of Junior High. :) For me it’s been long enough that the whole thing bothers me more on the grounds of public decorum than anything else. It’s just sad that young women (and some older ones too, apparently) no longer instinctively know that this sort of thing demeans them and that the fun of the Facebook phenomenon doesn’t make it wise to behave that way.Well said, Aaron. As another godly woman once remarked when walking through the mall, “I sure wish Victoria would keep more things secret!”
I’m just old fashioned I guess. We were better off as a society when certain things just weren’t talked about in mixed company.
[ChrisC] is this color thing any worse than silliness around boxers vs. briefs? i don’t see how posting a color accomplishes anything, but most of facebook is only about silliness and wasting time. seriously, if you’re getting turned on by reading the name of a color, you need your head examined.
On the other hand, if one thinks it no big deal for Christian women to be posting the color of their underwear, then that person needs their head examined. Whether it is a computer or a chair, it isn’t the thing itself as much as it is how we use it. Some folks use FB to be a spiritual encouragement to others and pass along prayer requests- it can be a real benefit instead of a frivolous waste of time.
The whole boxers vs briefs thing told alot about the character of the people involved, and I think that is the issue at hand. We have a responsibility to not only guard our own hearts and minds, but to observe Biblical principles such as Titus 2:8 “…Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.” And I don’t think it helpful or compassionate to be disdainful of the weaknesses of others.
Either of these factors is enough to justify being down on the whole business. As it is, we have both.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
From my Facebook:
I just think there are better ways to encourage women to take care of themselves without encouraging them to expose themselves. And if the myriad hot pink ribbons and hot pink everything else around us doesn’t do it, I don’t know what will.