The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International Is Alive and Well

In its recent board meeting, those present were unanimous in their support of the name “Foundations Baptist Fellowship.”


  • When was it?
  • Who was present?
  • Who skipped?
  • Who leaked to Straub? [guess we need a congressional investigation]:)

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….the name “fundamental” that’s the problem, in my (not humble enough) opinion. It’s silliness like the “convergent” controversy.

And really, I guess the kerfuffle over this IS evidence of a problem, because people are taking what appears to have been a light-hearted post by Jeff Straub as if it were really a significant issue and writing rather vehement denunciations of it. Something of a “Get.A.Grip” moment, IMO.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

The days when leaders could control the information that was released to the public seem to be over. Keeping secrets, controlling the message, and denying history are practically impossible. The FBFI name change was not a secret, it was news and they were just slow in getting the news out and failed to understand the days we live in.

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan


In its recent board meeting, those present were unanimous in their support of the name “Foundations Baptist Fellowship.”


  • When was it?

Last Tuesday

  • Who was present?

Most of the Executive Board

The other questions don’t matter. Not everyone makes it to the board meeting for various reasons. Two years ago I didn’t make it due to a little heart issue, as you may recall. That was when the first vote was taken, as to whether to consider a change. Strong majority was in favor of looking towards it. Those present this year were unanimous in going forward.

I don’t think the development was meant to be secret. I would rather we had been able to announce it as we saw fit, but we aren’t ashamed of it! We thought it was the right thing to do. I thought Straub’s headline was somewhere between cheeky and rude. You pick your descriptor. But the facts are the facts, no problem with folks knowing about it.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3


[FBFI Resolution:] 97.06 Regarding the Continued Slander of Biblical Fundamentalism:

Whereas the word “Fundamentalism” was coined to describe Biblical Christianity in the early part of this century, and whereas some modernist and compromising scholars who know this have deliberately contributed to or catered to the redefinition of Fundamentalism,” while other basically orthodox believers foolishly participate in this confusion by using terms such as “Islamic fundamentalists” and the like, the FBF makes no apology for its continued adherence to the correct use of the term. Believing that

what is actually under attack is the faithful adherence to Biblical Christianity and that attack will never diminish or abate in this dispensation, the FBF affirms that is both unnecessary and unworkable to seek to avoid confusion and misunderstanding by desiring or promoting some other term whereby fundamental Baptists may be identified. Our task is to demonstrate what true Fundamentalism is by our Godliness, and to refuse to allow our enemies to set the agenda for our ministries. We emphatically deny that Fundamentalism includes any other religion (such as Islam), cult (such as the so-called “Heaven’s Gate” cult), or those aberrations of Christianity that neither believe nor obey the whole truth of the Bible (such as charismatics). We deplore-but are not surprised by-the incessant slander

of Fundamentalism as nothing more than the predicted slander of Christ’s true disciples (John 15:20, 2 Tim. 3:12). As the FBF has repeatedly stated, “the core of historic Fundamentalism is its commitment to matters of doctrine… . Fundamentalism is a theological movement governed by its commitment to the absolute authority of God’s inspired and inerrant Word.” is external)



“The names ―Fundamentalism and ―Fundamentalist‖ have served as honorable terms identifying those who hold unshakably and defend militantly the irreducible foundational teachings of the Bible. Even liberals acknowledge, ―There is no mystery as to what the term meant when it was first coined. Yet the news media have ―co-opted the term and identified terrorists of all types: Muslim extremists, rebellious militia groups, so-called Christian identity groups, abortion clinic bombers, and murderers, as ―Fundamentalists. Religious groups which have departed from orthodox Christian doctrine: Charismatics, faith healers, health-wealth preachers, and various cults, are called ―Fundamentalists by print and broadcast media. Corruption has resulted from misuse by some who call themselves Fundamentalists, claiming orthodox doctrine but rejecting the separation taught by Scripture, or adding their own

interpretations and extreme positions claiming that all who do not agree with them have apostatized, identifying themselves as the only true Fundamentalists. The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International decries this ―hijacking of the term and appeals to the media to learn the true meaning and cease this misappropriation. We appeal to those who are adding to the foundational doctrines of Biblical Christianity to cease attacking those who do not agree with their narrow views and to recognize that apart from the Biblical Fundamentals there is room for brotherly differences. At the same time we urge all true Fundamentalists to teach carefully the true meaning and history of the term. The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International will continue to defend aggressively the foundational doctrines of our faith no matter by what name they may be known.” is external)


“My friend Jeff Straub’s headline, “The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship is No More” is inaccurate and misleading. The FBFI will continue to function under its corporate name, Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, Inc. FBFI members and readers of both FrontLine magazine and our blog, Proclaim and Defend will notice little or no change in references to FBFI for the immediate future. To us, the word fundamental is dear and clear. But, to many outside our circles it has taken on a sinister meaning. When word usage changes, constant explanations or qualifications are needed, and often fail. Many fundamentalists have tired of having to make excuses for the term.

Discussions of ways we could identify ourselves more helpfully have been going on for over a decade, but we continually came back to the word “fundamental” because of its history and meaning to biblical fundamentalists. However, when asked whether fundamentalists identify themselves by that name when meeting strangers, as when witnessing to a seat mate on an airplane, or a server in a restaurant, the most common answer is, “No.” We have come to believe that in deference to fundamentalists who must avoid their own identifying term lest they add an unnecessary offense to the Gospel, that the FBFI should provide an alternative.

Thus, two years ago, the board of the FBFI proposed that its leaders investigate whether this was truly necessary and if so, what alternative would be best. There was overwhelming support — 98% — to investigate. In its recent board meeting, those present were unanimous in their support of the name “Foundations Baptist Fellowship.” The FBFI may now be referenced by any of the following terms: “Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International,” “the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, dba Foundations Baptist Fellowship International,” or simply, “Foundations Baptist Fellowship.” Generally, as is most common, the acronym “FBFI” will be used.

We have been told that “abandoning” the word fundamental in our name, an excessive and inaccurate characterization, is tantamount to denying the fundamentals. That is nonsense. We have personal knowledge that some who suggest such an absurd equation decline to use the term themselves when doing so would identify them with ISIS in the minds of the uninformed. The day that FBFI ever denies the fundamentals will indeed be the day that the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International will be no more, whatever it calls itself or whatever its detractors call it. But, yes, we deny that the word “fundamental” is a fundamental of the Faith.” is external)


Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)

Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church(link is external), Des Moines, IA

Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University…(link is external)

I said then:

In my view, the term “Fundamentalism” (which is a really great idea and has served its purposes!), which has in the last decade become associated with suicide bombers and other crazies, has ceased to mean anything at all. At least anything valuable in the market place of ideas.

It’s not that I:

  • Reject the term Fundamentalist
  • Reject the idea (already said that it’s a good idea!)
  • It’s just that where I live (and I don’t mean Plymouth), I would never use the term of myself. Others can say of me: “Peet is not a Fundamentalist”.
  • I’m OK with that
  • Want to know what I believe … see my doctrinal statement … know where I worship and serve … and know how I live (which is far from perfect!)
  • Rejecting the label and the label makers

If I were to tell my co-workers that I was a Fundamentalist this would be the image in their minds:

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I like the name change. Foundations Baptist Fellowship is a good name. The name “Fundamentalism” is being confused with Islamic Radicalism. The word Fundamentalism has an important intramural history and advantage; yet, in the general public it is increasingly misrepresented. Our mission is to proclaim and defend the historic, biblical, Baptist fundamentals. Our core values are loyalty to God and His Word, reverent God-centered worship, Great commission obedience, edifying fellowship, biblically balanced discernment, holiness in life and ministry, a close personal walk with God, personal and ecclesiastical separation. Changes on the new FBFI website will be forthcoming. I inivte all interested parties who agree with our mission, doctrinal statement, and core values to log on our new website and join the FBFI.

Pastor Mike Harding

[Mike Harding] Changes on the new FBFI website will be forthcoming. I inivte all interested parties who agree with our mission, doctrinal statement, and core values to log on our new website and join the FBFI.

Let’s say I agree with you (and with a high degree of confidence I can say I do.

Now put your marketing hat on and: Give me 5 good reasons to join the FBFI.

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  • Vote on leaders?
  • Vaughn looks to me to be leader for life - sorry for this analogy but like a Stalinist state … until he dies
  • Is there a rotation of leadership?
  • Vote on resolutions?
  • Vote on a budget?

My perception of the FBFI is that I get 2 things for joining:

  • My name alphabetized in directory (alongside a guy who has demonized me [everyone knows but not naming him] )
  • A magazine

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You will be financially supporting the most solid sponsoring agency for the military chaplains in the US Army, Air force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard. This agency is responsible for placing conservative, orthodox, Baptist men in the ministry of our service men and women. These chaplains will courageously stand for the gospel and the whole counsel of God. You will support one of the few magazines that speak to our Baptist churches with important articles from a Baptist separatist position. You will encourage other like-minded men at the regional and national meetings. You will contribute by your presence and support to the fulfillment of our mission. You will have the opportunity of submitting articles to our blog for publication. You will encourage by your presence younger men to identify with the Baptist biblical separatist position. You will help reinforce our core values. Pastor Vaughn will transition out of his position in the next few years, if not sooner. Pray for him as he meets the tremendous needs of his daughter in light of the recent passing of his wife.

Pastor Mike Harding

My view of the FBFI is they tend to spend too much energy on the fringe instead of the core

The recent stuff about the “convergents” (whoever they are - never seen one named) is a case to point

Back to John Vaughn. I know he is a very good man, but my perception is that it’s his organization

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Not any more. John is graciously encouraging the needed changes. Some of your critiques are very valid. We need them. Thank you for your input. John has invited some wisely insightful young men to give us some needed evaluation. John is listening and responding with wisdom and graciousness.

Pastor Mike Harding