Do you struggle with procrastination?

Forum category

“I planned to check out a book from the library titled, ‘How to Stop Procrastinating,’ but I’ve never got around to it!”

Ecclesiastes 11:4 makes the point about procrastination:

He who observes the wind will not sow,
and he who regards the clouds will not reap.

How much of a problem is procrastination with you? I think it is likely that all of us procrastinate at times in some ways. Yet procrastination is a major player in some lives and a minor player in others. Where would you place yourself?

If you don’t mind getting around to it (remember the “Round Tuit” sermon?), you can comment.

Personally, I have found that most procrastinators might very well be late for their own funerals — and sometimes make the rest of us experience early funerals!

I tie procrastination to indecision, fear of making a mistake, sometimes too-much optimism, and sometimes perfectionism. What are your thoughts?

Poll Results

Do you struggle with procrastination?

Yes, procrastination is a constant problem I face in many areas. Votes: 0
I have a problem with procrastination, but only in a few areas. Votes: 5
Procrastination is an issue with me, but moderately. Votes: 4
Procrastination is not typically a big issue with me, not that it is never an issue. Votes: 3
I need time to think about this, I’ll get back to you. Votes: 4
Other Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


Oops… I never got around to spell checking. Title should be “titled” and I am missing a question mark.

But this leads to comment. I tend to get stuff done right away, and am not a procrastinator. The fallout, however, is that what I produce is not perfected.

"The Midrash Detective"

Nice joke in option 4. :-)

I have a theory that procrast. is much like laziness: it takes very different forms for different people, because what’s easy vs. what’s hard varies so much from person to person.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

I HATE being late. If something starts at 7 pm I’m pushing to be there at 6:30 or earlier. It often irritates my dear wife who is of the mind that if we arrive at 6:59 we’re early.

In the old days I used to wait until the weekend to finish my sermons then I discovered that “people died on Saturdays” and those unexpected events created problems. Now I try to have my sermon ready a few days in advance and then fine tune it shortly before I preach.

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan