Modesty and Beach Volleyball
I’ve noted since college days (25 years back) that in many sports—track and cross country, volleyball, etc..—the ladies wear skin tight attire (or that doesn’t cover much skin at all) while the guys are wearing garments with good coverage and a bit of ease. And to be blunt about the matter, how those garments stay on when they dive for a ball brings Lester Hayes and the “stickum” scandal to mind, if you catch my drift.
Just a way of getting ratings, I guess, when the women’s game is really not the same game as the men’s.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
In reference to the other thread on sport, its moral usefulness versus its idolatrous implications: the conjoined twin of idolatry throughout scripture is immorality, specifically exemplified first by nakedness (Ex. 32:25 for example). You see increasing nakedness you see idolatry. An absolutely verboten element of worship was even slight nakedness (Ex. 20:26).
Maybe this answers our discussion about the moral usefulness of sport in our current societal climate.
I literally cannot watch beach volleyball and I don’t (not good for me!)
Bert…except for some sports, like diving and water polo, where the women are more modest.
Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)
Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church, Des Moines, IA
Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University
[Greg Long]Bert…except for some sports, like diving and water polo, where the women are more modest.
:^) I tend to cut a little slack in sports like swimming where the skintight nature of the uniform is part of the sport….but outside of the pool, there are precious few sports where an athlete gets much out of that. Maybe gymnastics, but watching the men, I’m not even sure of that.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.