Why We Are Fighting in California

[Moderator edited a section here … remainder posted as is]

Here is the problem. We should not fight California SB1146 because we are preserving “the preserving institutions that are critical to the mission of the church”. and all of the other reasons Barry Correy lists. That will cause us to lose because the people proposing this bill WANT TO KILL THE CONSERVATIVE CHURCH.

There is one reason and one reason only that ALL AMERICANS should oppose SB1146. The first amendment to the US Constitution says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The fourteenth amendment then applies that limitation on government to the states.

So, EVERYONE should oppose SB1146 because it infringes on all our rights. PERIOD.

Any thing else is a concession to the logic of the liberal agenda descending upon America.

Your point here:

There is one reason and one reason only that ALL AMERICANS should oppose SB1146. The first amendment to the US Constitution says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

is radically common-sensical. That kind of clarity and straightforward talk is dangerous today …

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

Indeed. A huge reason to hold one’s nose and vote for Trump.

G. N. Barkman

No one needs to feel tempted to vote for Trump. The way he is going the last week or so, he will be in the mid-30s in polling by election day, so your one vote wouldn’t make any difference anyway.

I am not one for conspiracy theories, but there is growing suspicion out there that Trump was in some way a Clinton plant, intending to do just what he is doing—get the nomination and then throw the election to the Clintons. What would a Democrat plant do differently from what Trump has done?

Since the conventions ended, Trump has gone totally off the rails and is currently dropping like a rock in polls.

[Darrell Post]

No one needs to feel tempted to vote for Trump. The way he is going the last week or so, he will be in the mid-30s in polling by election day, so your one vote wouldn’t make any difference anyway.

I am not one for conspiracy theories, but there is growing suspicion out there that Trump was in some way a Clinton plant, intending to do just what he is doing—get the nomination and then throw the election to the Clintons. What would a Democrat plant do differently from what Trump has done?

Since the conventions ended, Trump has gone totally off the rails and is currently dropping like a rock in polls.

I used to think this theory was bananas, but watching him warmly speak to the woman with crying baby at his rally, the first time I have heard in his voice something like real human warmth and tenderness, and then seeing him mock her for believing him… I think it’s possible he is a plant. He was certainly a longtime FOB.

“Hello, this message is for Donald J. Trump. I was the mother in his rally on Tuesday, August 2nd, in Ashburn, VA, with the baby who started to cry. I would just like him to know personally that I, by no means felt I was ever “kicked out” of his rally. I excused myself and my child when he awoke from his nap and began to cry. It was only because I had to grab my child’s belongings and then make my way out of the aisle I was seated in that I wasn’t out of there sooner. I realize Mr. Trump doesn’t know me personally, but for those that do, know that I am the first one to excuse myself and my child when he begins to cry because I personally believe it’s rude to disturb anyone else’s ability to hear what they came to see. I’ve left movies, violin recitals, and other events if I felt my child was disturbing others. It is the considerate thing to do. I stood right outside the doors of the auditorium continuing to watch and listen to what Mr. Trump had to say. In fact, the police that were right outside in the same hallway with me, treated me with so much respect it was incredible. They were so kind and made me feel welcomed to stand with them. One officer commended me on my bravery to bring my child to Mr. Trump’s rally. I fully support Mr. Trump. I thought he responded very graciously to my child crying and he made a lighthearted moment out of what I usually consider to be stressful. I actually was out of the auditorium before he even made his follow up comment about my child and even then, when I was informed of his comment, I laughed. I understand he says things jokingly, and I understand no one wants to speak over or struggle to listen over a crying baby. I am in no way offended and I again reiterate, Mr. Trump NEVER kicked me or my child out of the Briar Woods High School, Trump rally. And for the record, while my child and I stood outside of the auditorium, my eleven year old stepdaughter and my Grandmother sat inside the auditorium and continued to support and listen to everything Mr. Trump had to say. We all were so excited to be able to see Mr. Trump so close to home. I didn’t have a babysitter to watch my kids and honestly, to me it was a historical moment that I am happy that my kids were there for. I apologize for the trouble this has caused Mr. Trump. The media has severely blown this out of proportion and made it out to be something that it wasn’t and is clearly using this as political gain for the Democratic party. I hope this message sheds light to what really happened.”
“Thank you for your time. Best of luck! You have our vote. Trump 2016”
Read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2016/08/05/mother-crying-baby-trump-rally-t…