Tullian Tchividjian Confesses Second Affair Concealed by Two Coral Ridge Elders

Dread thought is this that escapes words—I had no hope, no help, no plea. Enslaved, entombed, estranged, and doomed, God’s righteous wrath awaited me. Blind to that realm beyond the grave, I did not know my lost estate, nor did I crave the things of God, nor could I understand my fate. But grace abounded more than sin, and love applied the Master’s plan. His Spirit brought to me new life predestined e’er the world began. Christ’s finished work, naught left undone, secured God’s pardon for His own. No more a debtor to the Law, God has declared my sin atoned.

Though spared from wrath, with soul set free, corrupt desires still war within. The new man must e’er fight his flesh—that humanness so drawn to sin. Renew my mind, transform my heart, and make me pleasing in Thy sight. Ne’er let the flame of gratitude forget the wrath that was my plight. Glad slave of sov’reign love, I give myself a living sacrifice—not for my pardon, but His praise Who purchased me at awful price. I can but lift both heart and voice in praise to God Who doth sustain. Though foes assail and pain prevail, secure in Christ I will remain. (Bob LaTour, Associate Pastor, Beacon Baptist Church, Burlington, NC)

G. N. Barkman