Trump and Carson: Evangelicals' incredible two headed transplant

“As different as Carson and Trump are, each one represents one-half of the equation of what evangelical voters are looking for in the next president: a committed Christian and a strong leader, which is why outsider Ben Carson is tied with Trump in national polls for evangelical voters and has zoomed past him in Iowa where you find some of the most conservative evangelical voters in the nation”


And finally getting around to your original question: “Who do you think with political experience running would have the best chance of beating Hillary?”

This can change with time as the candidates go through the process of the remaining debates and then the early caucuses and primaries. No candidate is not without drawbacks. At this point I would lean toward Rubio as being able to have the broadest map to compete against Hillary in the general election. He provides excellent contrast with Hillary, and may be in a position to unite the GOP better than any of the other options. I wish he was a little tighter on illegal immigration and I wish he had more executive experience. But he could probably compete in states like NV, CO, and FL better than most of the other candidates. But again, this is as of today. 95 days (until the IA caucus) is a long time in politics.