Joni: The Day That Changed Everything

“47 years ago, I took a reckless dive into shallow water – it was a fateful dive which completely altered my life.”


I read Joni: An Unforgettable Storyi back in 1976 or so. I remember praying “God - don’t let this happen to me!”.

In 1987 I broke my neck in a trampoline accident (C4-C5). I was paralyzed for a time and over a period of 11 weeks regained the ability to “ambulate” . If you’ve ever viewed “Young Frankenstein” you’ll “get” the line by Igor “walk this way”. My wife likes to remind me of this!

I can say that Joni’s book prepared me for my own day! And I am confident in God’s sovereignty. Joni and I are the same age. I am older by 2 months. I admire the woman and her ministry