Evangelical Leaders and Their Celebrity Lookalikes
The matches with George Bush, Tim Allen, and Tom Brokaw were amazing! And so were the John Piper and Alistair Begg matches. The others were resemblances.
Amazing. Just like Greg “with the all seeing eye” to spot this one!
Amazing. Just like Greg “with the all seeing eye” to spot this one!
"The Midrash Detective"
No, no, no…Patrick Stewart’s twin is C. J. Mahaney, not Tim Keller!
Faith is obeying when you can't even imagine how things might turn out right.
They have added some more since this morning. Check back!
"The Midrash Detective"
Greg… thanks for the humor. I needed that! Sometimes a laugh is truly a bit of grace.
I love the NT Wright one.
I love the NT Wright one.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
I laughed out loud at the Mark Driscoll one.