Albert Mohler: "I Am a Cessationist"

In light of Strange Fire conference, where do you stand on miraculous spiritual gifts?

Audio answer to a question on Strange Fire and cessationism. Starts around 12:00 mark


For the record, nothing was sidetracked. Decision making and having a relationship with God is right down the fairway in this discussion. Mohler talks about such things in his podcast that is referenced.


This list can go on and on…Hey, if that is your faith and relationship with God your Father, Jesus your Savior, and the Holy Spirit, your Comforter, you can have it.

Of course, you neglect the fact that God has already given us everything we need to know about Him and His expectations for our lives (2 Tim 3:16-17). What He doesn’t tell us in His word (whether through precept or principle) he leaves up to us to decide. If you’re contemplating marriage and there are three biblically qualified potential spouses, God gives you the freedom to choose one of the three. No “still small voice” needed to discern God’s will or to avoid sinning by marrying the wrong person.

So, hey, if your faith and relationship with God is one of constant agonizing over your subjective feelings, “still small voices,” and “waiting for peace” — even though God’s Word never tells us to make our decisions based on these things — then you can have it. I believe God works providentially in the lives of people and in situations, but he never tells us we should rely on our feelings, emotions, “still small voices,” fleeces, etc. in decision making. Rather, he tells us to search the Scripture, receive wise counsel from others, don’t violate our conscience, and use the mind he’s given us.

You wrote to make a decision, but not to rely on feelings and emotions…are you a Vulcan?


You wrote to make a decision, but not to rely on feelings and emotions…are you a Vulcan?

If searching the Scripture, receiving wise counsel from others, not violating my conscience, and using the mind God’s given me makes me a Vulcan, then Live Long and Prosper, Brother.

was the preacher who began his sermons by praying for God to speak thru him, so that everything he said was that which God wanted him to say and not his own thoughts. When I was a much younger and more impressionable man I thought said preacher was the greatest.

Now I know better, and listening to his son preach do his stand-up comedy routine, I’m not surprised

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