Can Evangelical Chaplains Serve God and Country?—The Crisis Arrives

I know at least two other active duty chaplains who monitor SI.

I serve at Ft. Eustis (JBLE) in the Hampton Roads of VA. All local Army chaplains will meet next Tuesday morning to receive a briefing from our Chief of Chaplains concerning the issues in this article. I appreciate all those upholding military chaplains in prayer as we “navigate” this pluralistic environment.

BTW, I thought Dr. Mohler’s article was pretty accurate, but I like to emphasize what chaplains CAN do as opposed to what we cannot do. We still have full freedom to proclaim the gospel from chapel pulpits and when counseling. We have freedom to warn/teach homosexuality is a sin from chapel pulpits, amid a gracious spirit. I can tell you chaplains will not be forced to break or reject their ordination standards, vows or commitments. Whether they feel “pressured” to do so depends on their supervisory chaplains and commanders I suppose. I have not experienced any such pressure so far. Evangelical chaplains will not be forced to marry homosexuals or provide marriage enrichment training where homosexual couples are legitimized. Gratefully, we have ecclesiastical endorsers like my own (Dr. John Vaughn, FBFI) and the SBC’s CH (MG) Carver taking a firm stand on this. I could mention many others. I say HOOAH.