Formal Church Membership: A Good and Necessary Inference

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Formal Church Membership: A Good and Necessary Inference(link is external)

I wrote this blog article back in 2011, have taught on the subject a couple of times, and have presented it to a GARBC pastors’ book club that I attend (at their invitation). The feedback I have received thus far has not yet led me to alter any of my conclusions or interpretations of relevant passages, but I am always seeking helpful feedback, especially since this has been an increasingly debated issue (at least in my experience over the past 20+ years).

I have tried to put the issue into perspective for my congregation, and I have been asked by a couple of other pastors if they can make it into a pamphlet to give to their own people. I hope you all may find it helpful as well.

Let me know what you think.


Formal Church Membership: A Good and Necessary Inference(link is external)

This is a a somewhat lengthy teaching I gave recently on the subject. It is basically the same thing as in the above mentioned article. It was my first sermon back after a major surgery, and I recall being in a significant amount of pain and discomfort as I taught, which made it hard to focus at times. But, as always, despite my weakness, the Lord saw me through.

Soli Deo Gloria Reformed Baptist Blog(link is external) Immanuel Baptist Church(link is external)