Genesis 1:5, "And there was evening, and there was morning—the first eon"
A new English version of the Bible
Then after as many years as the number of grains of sand, God said, “Let us make man in our image.” So God took one of the animals that had arisen over these ages, which looked like a man but was not, and God breathed His spirit into this creature so that it was changed into a man. In like manner God took a female hominid and made a companion for Adam. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” And it was so. And from this first pair, and from so many others like them, came all the people of the earth.—Genesis 1:26–28
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Can I just say, as I read this I had a truly LOL moment and laughed out loud audibly!
Passed it on to some friends. It contains way too much truth to be passed up!!!
Ok. there’s some humor to it I suppose if you are a committed young earth creationist. However one aim of the satire to have people “re-think seriously their compromise position re Genesis” is also humorous. I’m not arguing for any position here but as long as YEC’s represent their view as “straightforward reading” and that all other views are “compromise views” (some surely are), that other views are “both baseless and unsustainable,” then few if any will be challenged to re-think anything.