Portrait & Wedding Photography

Is it acceptable for a Christian to be a portrait/wedding photographer, considering the way that most women dress: often showing thigh and cleavage?


I am sure it is possible- it isn’t as if one must take every client that approaches them.

My dd talks about being an event planner, and we often discuss the situations that she might find herself in and the choices she will have to make. She can’t in good conscience organize a traditional bachelor/bachelorette party, for instance.


Are you suggesting that a person turns down the majority of their customers?

Thanks for the reply.

I don’t know if a ‘majority’ of customers want to flash leg and cleavage in their portraits. While it is true that many modern weddings involve quite a bit of flesh, it isn’t completely impossible to be a photographer and be picky about one’s clientele.

You asked if it was acceptable, and I said it wasn’t impossible.

Sure, I wasn’t disagreeing - just asking if this is what you meant.

Also, I was not clear to begin with. My concern is this: Is it wrong to do what seems to me to be, the normal portrait / wedding photography? … Is it sin?


[Susan R]

You asked if it was acceptable, and I said it wasn’t impossible.

Is normal portrait\wedding photography a sin? No, a professional photographer is just doing what the rest of us are doing as amateurs. Unless, a person holds that photography in and of its self is a sin,

[J Johnson]


Also, I was not clear to begin with. My concern is this: Is it wrong to do what seems to me to be, the normal portrait / wedding photography? … Is it sin?


Hoping to shed more light than heat..


No, but I have much of the equipment and it’s an option to start doing that.

What’s your view on the issue? Is it wrong to take such photos of women?


My view on professional photography business

  • It’s a business and it is competitive
  • I think that if one wants to impose own values on the customers one will fail miserably
  • Obviously one could pick and choose and be somewhat selective
  • But to tell a bride what to wear would be a business disaster
  • Check out a bridal catalog like http://www.davidsbridal.com
  • If it makes one blush …
  • Stay out of the business


I’m not worried about myself, my concern is for other people. Would I be causing them to sin, and making myself guilty for it?



Perhaps I’m not..

My thought was this:

I am taking, processing, and selling those photos which I know will be distributed - thus enticing men to sin.

But even before it comes to my role in the issue, there’s the question of whether those dresses are sinful. Is it wrong for a woman to dress this way? How little is too little?


On a slightly different note: I try not to be pragmatic, but an issue does come to mind. The Bible talks about how women are to dress ‘in the church,’ but the issue in mind doesn’t seem to be the length of dress. It seems to be the modest as far as not being extravagant… Katastola was not a ‘long’ stola, but rather a second piece that went over the first piece, and only down about to the waist.

Scripture warns about the woman dressed as a harlot, but that’s somewhat difficult to apply. I don’t think we can say these women are advertising themselves as sluts.

After the fall, Genesis is the clearest. In it, God does not take their clothing, but rather gives them better clothing.

That said, the pragmatic issue now:

Are people in cultures (africa?) where no one wears clothing, sinning? I have heard that lust becomes an issue when the christians come in and tell them that they should be dressed..

Any thoughts, on any of this?


That’s fine..

But you apparently don’t think it is inherently sinful.

Would you say it is impossible for one with a weak conscience to become strong? I doubt it would happen if he’s not shown otherwise.. He might remain weak… Or, he might become strong. But, he can’t become strong without seeing the truth.

But moreover, I think we are all “weak” when we see opposing sides of an argument, and do not understand which is correct.

So, I ask - if you are willing to share some of your time - for an explanation of why you don’t believe it is.


Depends upon what you mean by “it”

  • Do I believe being a professional photographer is inherently sinful? Answer = no
  • Do I believe being a wedding photographer is inherently sinful? Answer = no
  • Do I believe wedding dresses could be immodest? Answer = Yes
  • I haven’t been to a lot of weddings … well maybe 100 in my lifetime. I don’t recall seeing an immodest wedding gown at a wedding I’ve attended.
  • If I were concerned about taking wedding photos that could “cause others to sin” I wouldn’t be a wedding photographer.


You have to excuse my ignorance, though I am interested in possibly doing photography - I haven’t been to many weddings. My impression was made from how a couple of relatives dressed at theirs.

You are right, looking through google and your link, most wedding gowns cover fairly well.. I can’t say the same for senior photos, but weddings should pay better any way.



Depends upon what you mean by “it”

  • Do I believe being a professional photographer is inherently sinful? Answer = no
  • Do I believe being a wedding photographer is inherently sinful? Answer = no
  • Do I believe wedding dresses could be immodest? Answer = Yes
  • I haven’t been to a lot of weddings … well maybe 100 in my lifetime. I don’t recall seeing an immodest wedding gown at a wedding I’ve attended.
  • If I were concerned about taking wedding photos that could “cause others to sin” I wouldn’t be a wedding photographer.