"Given what this president intends to say...to America's students, count me as one who hopes many are listening."

Christians must be the first to pray for this president and to model respect for the presidency, even when we must disagree with the President’s policies and proposals.
All true Christians have a responsibility to conduct themselves according to the Scripture’s instructions. Dr Mohler is to be commended for a well-balanced assessment of the issues involved for us in honoring the President in the manner which the Scripture indicates. We need to pray for and respect the leader of our land. We are not, as American Citizens, required to agree with all his policies. Yet, this should not deteriorate, especially for Christians, to the clamor of other lands which have little Biblical influence, who riot when one’s political affiliation is not serviced. Aside from that restraint, if we expect our Congressmen and Senators to read and understand the bills before them previous to voting, we should responsibly take the opportunity, when it’s available, to evaluate what the President is to say.

The juxtaposition, however, of some of our schools placing the “I Pledge” video of Hollywood and pop celebrities before the President’s speech is indeed an abominable violation of citizen’s rights. There is no cause for indoctrination of our school children with political bias. Dr. Mohler reveals a disturbing position advocated in this video in the appeal to students to avow: “I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama.” It is a travesty, of those schools including this video, to so impinge upon our children’s lives, indoctrinating them politically towards the idolatry that the celebrities and others hold for the current President.

I hope, with Dr. Mohler, that in the President’s speech, at least, “a few young hearts are encouraged” to so live their lives with proper responsibility to study and to contribute worthily to our society. My prayer is that they might intelligently be open to the truth of the Gospel.

Open our eyes, Lord. Luke 24:31,32,45 KJV <·)}}}>< Silverghost °Ü°

Right on Dr. Mohler! Most conservatives were boneheaded on this one. The controversy was heightened by 24 hour cable news channels that had nothing else to report on over a holiday weekend.

Seems like we had the incoherent “I hate everything about Bush” crowd before and now we’ve got an “I hate everything about Obama” crowd. We’re all better served by looking thoughtfully at policies and ideas… and hating those where appropriate (and I hate plenty of the ideas and policies of the current administration).
Because he can appreciate the good, Mohler has more of a voice when he criticizes the Pres.

I wish more the talk radio crowd would figure this out, but it’s less sensational and—maybe—draws fewer listeners. So the thinking goes apparently.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.


I attended the tea party in Troy last night. About 95 percent were just ordinary middle class, working people concerned about their government becoming too big, too powerful, too controlling, too taxing. There were a handful of Obama Haters, but not many. I liked Mohler’s article on the school presentation. He hit the right balance.

I saw a few clever signs like, “The Constitution: The other document that Congress hasn’t read”; “Chains You Can Believe In”

Pastor Mike Harding