"Becoming a focal point of the culture war was not Kirk Cameron's goal, but he says he's willing to suffer professionally for the sake of biblical truth"

We had Kirk Cameron in our church one month ago for his “Love Worth Fighting For” marriage seminar. We sold out the Friday night session and had to add a Saturday morning session because of the demand.

In the first session he emphasized that no marriage advice will ultimately be helpful unless you have a relationship with God through Christ because “the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart.” He gave an absolutely crystal-clear Gospel presentation (which would not surprise anyway who has listened to or watched his Way of the Master series). In the other session he basically preached a sermon from 1 Peter 3:7 directed toward the men on how to love and honor their wives. I couldn’t have been more pleased with what he had to say. What he said wasn’t really that different from what most pastors would say on marriage but he has a special platform to reach people because of his celebrity that most of us don’t have and he is using it for God’s glory.

I am thankful for how God changed his life when he was a TV star on Growing Pains and how he has spent his life sharing Christ and defending biblical truth. BTW, if you have a chance to read his autobiography Still Growing I would recommend it.

Greg Long, Ed.D. (SBTS)

Pastor of Adult Ministries
Grace Church, Des Moines, IA

Adjunct Instructor
School of Divinity
Liberty University

I will be attending the Monumental Live event tonight and I am looking forward to it. Kirk Cameron is not ashamed of Christ.

Pastor Joe -
Would love to read a “review” of Monumental.

We tried to get tickets but alas they were sold out.. in fact I went online fairly early and couldn’t purchase.. Hubby went by the theater and yep - sold out..


I attended this event because I am interested in studies that seek to identify our Nations problems and call her back to God. I also received a free ticket to attend.

I was not impressed. Kirk Cameron did not seem to be the same as he is on “The Way of the Master” videos and “The Biggest Question” DVD. He seemed to be to be straining in a way that I have not seen him.

During the live opening part of the event, he held a live interview with Glenn Beck. I believe the Christian community is making a mistake when it comes to the Mormonism of Glen Beck and Mitt Romney and thinking salvation is coming to America with these guys.

The actual Monumental movie makes some good observations about the Pilgrims and while many people may not be aware of these things, I was. So, it was nothing new. A lot of those observations about the Pilgrims are taught in the video series “The Indestructible Book.”

Then, in the movie, Kirk and some historian call Christians to rally around a monument in MA that I had never seen and I have been to Plymouth. After getting home, I looked up that monument and I am concerned that Kirk and his historian may not have gotten all of their facts straight. They claim it was funded by the US and MA governments but the Worldview Weekend sight says that Freemasons had a huge role in that monument (http://worldviewweekend.com/worldview-times/article.php?articleid=8031).

After the movie was finished, Kirk came back on live and then all of the sudden the broadcast shut down nation wide due to some technical glitch. I wonder if God was speaking louder through that than through the movie?

I appreciate the desire believers have to see our Nation turn to God. I lament the lack of Biblical focus which causes many to rally around people like Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney. It just seems to be a strange way to save America.

There’s my two cents.

I pretty much agree with Joe’s analysis of the movie/event. Because of all the controversy swirling around this production – from the right and the left – I wanted to attend with an open mind and see what it was all about.
I thought the movie promised far more than it delivered.
First, the movie had nowhere near the production value of “Fireproof” or “Courageous.” I think they were trying to use some “contemporary” film techniques that just didn’t work. It was not incredibly pleasing to the eye. The live opening puzzled me. I was expecting there to be some great purpose to having this be a live event instead of just a regular movie. If there was one, I did not discern it. I guess it was just supposed to be a really cool way to introduce the film. It actually seemed like the whole thing was a bit out of sync.
Secondly, the “plot” of the documentary was difficult to follow. Even though I knew almost all of the guest commentators and most of the facts they presented, I had trouble trying to follow the logical purpose of some of the ideas that were included. (How and why did we go from the Pilgrims [and Marshall Foster] to the Framers [and David Barton] to the Lincoln Memorial??) If I did not have knowledge of the people and what they were talking about, I would have been lost. Some of the guests were never identified. I think the film would have been much stronger if the entire thing had focused only on the Pilgrims. Their story could have been interspersed with a dramatic re-enactment of the events to make a much more powerful film.
Thirdly, I’m not sure what Kirk wants me to do. Was this about the need to preach the gospel? Was it about the need for political activism? Was it about the need to reform our families (“The problem is not in the White House, but in your house” – or something like that)? The answer to each of those questions seemed to be Yes – and No. Perhaps some of this would have been resolved by the ending – we had to leave during the glitch, before it came back on, if it did (?) It certainly was a bit cloudy in what I actually saw.
Fourthly, I don’t know what Glenn Beck has to do with the price of tea in China, other than that “he supported the movie.” Again, the event would have been much stronger if, instead of Beck, Kirk had interviewed someone like David Jeremiah, for instance, who had the task of presenting the gospel. The nation is not going to be saved through a commitment to properly understanding its own history, since America is not OT Israel. Along the same lines, I think it would have been a nice touch for Kirk to carry a Bible on his journey and read a relevant verse or two. That was conspicuous by its absence.
Overall, the production was a disappointment. I don’t think it is really going to lead anyone astray – unless they are very weak to begin with, but I am also not sure how much value it really has in the long run.

Church Ministries Representative, serving in the Midwest, for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry