Graced Imagination: Recovering True Creativity in the Age of Authenticity


“Why does art (real, beautiful art, not just self-expression) matter to the renewal of our culture? Why do most people who visit Princeton University’s campus think that the Gothic chapel is objectively more beautiful than the new art museum, which reminds some viewers of a portable air conditioner hanging out of a window?” - Public Discourse


A Book Review of Scott Aniol’s Citizens and Exiles


“Whether or not one is convinced of the two kingdoms theology versus a one kingdom framework, this book rightfully guards against an over-realized eschatology that underlies the cultural compromise and mission drift so common in the church.” - P&D


Should Christians Care About Culture?


“Why does it matter that we have biblical views on business or healthcare or science or education? Why should we work for a biblical view of economics?” - IFWE


The World Is Catechizing Us Whether We Realize It or Not


“… David Well’s famous definition: worldliness is whatever makes righteousness look strange and sin look normal. Here’s the reality facing every Christian in the West: the money, power, and prestige of the mainstream media, big time sports, big business, big tech, and almost all the institutions of education and entertainment are invested in making sin look normal.


The Invisible–That Is, Non-Existent–Sculpture


“We now have the work of art that defines our age…. The Italian artist Salvatore Garau has created a sculpture entitled Io Sono, which means ‘I am.’ It is invisible; that is to say, there is nothing there. He has sold it for $18,000. Garau claims that it does, in a sense, exist, as a sort of vacuum.” - Veith


When Paul says that the fruit of the Spirit is goodness what does he mean?


“Think about the goodness of God that saved us. It was the kindness of God extended to undeserving sinners in their time of greatest need. With that as a model perhaps the fruit of goodness is just that. It is kindness. But more than kindness it is kindness extended to even our enemies.” - Ref21
