Mark Driscoll and T.D. Jakes - together for the Gospel?

T.D. Jakes will be joining us at Elephant From “About”: The Elephant Room features blunt conversations between seven influential pastors who share a common love for the Gospel but take differing approaches to ministry. No keynotes. No canned messages. These are “the conversations you never thought you’d hear.” All conversations are moderated by James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel and Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church


My main problem is two things: by inviting TD you’re giving him a voice in conservative evangelicalism when He should have none. Second, the about clearly states they share a unity in the gospel. You cannot believe modalism and have a shared gospel view. MacDonald and Driscoll are showing some real lack of discernment here.

I hope Dever really lays it on TD.

Mathew Sims

“Together for Apostacy” might be a better name than the Elephant Room (whatever that means).

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells

[Mathew Sims] My main problem is two things: by inviting TD you’re giving him a voice in conservative evangelicalism when He should have none. Second, the about clearly states they share a unity in the gospel. You cannot believe modalism and have a shared gospel view. MacDonald and Driscoll are showing some real lack of discernment here.

I hope Dever really lays it on TD.
T.D. Jakes already has a voice in conservative evangelicalism - as a matter of fact he is a leading figure in it - this has been the case for going on 20 years.

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura

If I were T.D. Jakes I would almost think I was being set up. There is no way he is not going to get slammed in this thing. It’s a no win for him with these guys.

If a fundamentalist begins a prayer with “Dear Heavenly Father” and ends it with “In Your Name, Amen,” does the fundamentalist have any grounds on which to criticize T. D.?

@ mbruffey - Maybe not in practice but it dosent mean for sure theologically. A person may believe in the orthodox understanding of the trinity but not always be consistent in their practice of prayer in a way that reflects that basic belief. For instance, I have some family that does not understand the concept that we pray to the Father, through the Spirit in the name of the Son (Jesus). In my mind this understanding of prayer reflects a proper understanding of the trinity. So just because they may not end a prayer by saying “in Jesus name” every time does not mean they consciously are denying the trinity.

Unfortunately, there are too many Christians who do not think about how to apply their theology to every day life. However, it is true that you can learn a lot about a persons theology by listening to them pray.

Just thoughts off the top of my head.

Would you classify my example, then, as a relatively minor misuse of His Name, especially since performed unconsciously?