Eight Characteristics of Hyper-Fundamentalism

It’s quite unusual to make a list of eight symptoms and then announce that the presence of any one of them qualifies as a diagnosis. It would be much more common in my experience to declare that someone displaying four or five of the eight (or half or more of however many there are) would be suffering from the illness under consideration. It’s pretty hard to diagnose conclusively with a 12.5% positive indicator unless you are prepared to argue that these are such virulent strains of disease as to be dispositive even when standing alone.

Bro Byers, you said what I am saying but much more elegantly. Clearly you are not hyper since you can’t be anti-intellectual! I on the other hand, eschewing (oops) long words, might be hyper because I could be called anti-intellectual!

Kidding aside, I agree with your post #16 100%.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

It’s quite unusual to make a list of eight symptoms and then announce that the presence of any one of them qualifies as a diagnosis. It would be much more common in my experience to declare that someone displaying four or five of the eight (or half or more of however many there are) would be suffering from the illness under consideration. It’s pretty hard to diagnose conclusively with a 12.5% positive indicator unless you are prepared to argue that these are such virulent strains of disease as to be dispositive even when standing alone.
I don’t see why this is that controversial. It’s not like Kevin went and picked some off the wall symptom. These seem to be fairly common and fairly serious issues.

What would be the hesitancy to label someone with one of these as a hyper fundamentalist? Or to put it differently, what good and reasonable spin can be put on any of these eight? Give an example (either use names or not, it doesn’t matter) of one of these eight characteristics being acceptable.

The prefix hyper, I think, puts the list into the proper perspective. For instance, I don’t cut my hair short, wear pants, or watch tv/movies; I prefer classical and conservative forms of music, and the KJB. I also homeschool my kids and wear little white Keds. But I am not a hyper anything because those are personal choices that I have made, and I do not measure others’ love for God, spiritual maturity, or dedication to Christ by such criteria, nor do I limit fellowship by whether or not others march in lockstep with my ideals. If we are to ‘know’ others by their fruits, then I would think the fruits of the Spirit listed in Scripture are a truer measure of what is or isn’t fruitful Christianity.

Ditto terms and method of separation- we do have Biblical standards and a process for such, as well as the reason for separation- restoration. The mark of hyper-F separation is the kick-em-into-the-abyss-and-good-riddance-to-bad-rubbish attitude. The mark of Biblical separation is humility, and grief at the loss of a brother into unrepentant sin and the inevitable destruction to follow.

This list and the assertion that one bearing only one of these marks makes you a hyper-fundamentalist is much more short-sighted an offer by Bauder than I would expect but at least I can now reset my Bauder gauge.

However, I am sure with Bauder’s Barometer in view those sensitive folks over at Pyromaniacs can now rest comfortably knowing they, too, are Hyper-Fundamentalists, after all the 4th characteristic is:
Fourth, hyper-fundamentalists are marked by an inability to receive criticism. For them, questioning implies weakness or compromise. Any criticism — especially if it is offered publicly — constitutes an attack….

[Robert Byers] It’s quite unusual to make a list of eight symptoms and then announce that the presence of any one of them qualifies as a diagnosis. It would be much more common in my experience to declare that someone displaying four or five of the eight (or half or more of however many there are) would be suffering from the illness under consideration. It’s pretty hard to diagnose conclusively with a 12.5% positive indicator unless you are prepared to argue that these are such virulent strains of disease as to be dispositive even when standing alone.

I am pretty surprised that Bauder says that if “one or more is present” then one must be hyper. I’m fairly sure that he would not say that anyone with any of these qualities is ipso facto hyper, but that one of the characteristics of hypers is that they manifest at least one of these characteristics.

Alex, if you honestly think that TeamPyro does not tolerate criticism, then I think you might want to review some of their comment threads. They have no patience for trolls, but people who disagree and say so aren’t banned immediately, unlike some other blogs I know of.

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells

[Susan R] The mark of hyper-F separation is the kick-em-into-the-abyss-and-good-riddance-to-bad-rubbish attitude. The mark of Biblical separation is humility, and grief at the loss of a brother into unrepentant sin and the inevitable destruction to follow.

Very good thoughts, here, Susan.

Striving for the unity of the faith, for the glory of God ~ Eph. 4:3, 13; Rom. 15:5-7 I blog at Fundamentally Reformed. Follow me on Twitter.

In his article “Now, About Those Differences, Part Twenty-Three (December 2010) Bauder wrote,
Of course, the King James Only movement is only one species of hyper-fundamentalism. Hyper-fundamentalism may revolve around personal and institutional loyalties, idiosyncratic agendas, absurd ethical standards, or the elevation of incidental doctrines and practices. The thing that characterizes all versions of hyper-fundamentalism is the insistence upon draconian reactions for relatively pedestrian—or even imaginary—offenses.
On that occasion he’s saying there are several “species” of hyper-fundamentalism. Unfortunately, each “species” is called by the same name: “hyper-fundamentalism.” Maybe “hyper-fundamentalism” should be the genus instead of the species, since there are various species of hyper-fundamentalism.

I greatly look forward to David Cloud’s Friday News Notes tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 16, 2011). His response to these “Apostate New Evangelical” charges will appear on www.wayoflife.org .

David Cloud will. That is his standard name for all groups that are near what he believes minus the hyper-fundamentalism. Not you and (I hope!) not me.

[Jay C.] Alex, if you honestly think that TeamPyro does not tolerate criticism, then I think you might want to review some of their comment threads. They have no patience for trolls, but people who disagree and say so aren’t banned immediately, unlike some other blogs I know of.

Your recommendation assumes that I have not read or reviewed their comment threads, bad idea. I have not only reviewed them but have for some years and am satisfied with my view that their reception of criticism reflects #4 often enough to qualify.

Thanks Jim. I agree - it does not take much to get on Cloud’s bad list.