Can Mormonism Save American Civilization?


…(A) Mormon society would continue to speak English, to spread the gospel of capitalism, and to put forward the idea that America was and is a sacred place, a nation worth remembering and preserving.


I think the Mormon Church is going to be bigger and increasingly important in the U.S. in coming decades. Sometime in the next two decades, it will surpass the United Methodist Church in size, becoming the nation’s third largest religious body. (Behind the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Convention).


Though LDS business is very strong, I am skeptical of successful LDS proselytizing in America.

It could be just too much Glenn Beck and too many LDS American end-time novels that I have heard and read.

I think the American LDS Church organization is under all kinds of bombardment by American secular culture.

I wonder if Slate is being tongue-in-cheek.

And the BibleBeltBlogger should live in the I-15 Corridor where he could listen to “Gentiles” (non-LDS) venting their own passionate discussions against Mormonism.

We will see how the future unfolds.